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Coupons #2 Most Read Newspaper Section


January 2012 -- A recently released study by The Media Audit, a multimedia, qualitative audience survey conducted in 80+ local U.S. markets, reveals the Sunday newspaper ad inserts remain a sought out feature with consumers.

Three out Ten Seek Out Sunday Inserts

According to the national study, Sunday advertising inserts are the second most read section of a daily newspaper, behind the front page section. Among all U.S. consumers, 29.6% regularly read the Sunday ad inserts, a figure that represents more than 43 million consumers across The Media Audit's 80 measured markets. 

Affluent and Educated are Using Coupons

Analysis finds the more affluent and well educated are utilizing coupons at a higher rate, contradicting what most would assume the typical user might look like.  

Among regular readers of Sunday ad inserts, consumers earning below $25,000 in household income were 21% less likely to regularly read Sunday ad inserts, while those earning greater than $50,000 were 4% more likely to read Sunday ad inserts. Furthermore, those consumers with a college degree were 4% more likely to read Sunday ad inserts, while those with a high school education were 37% less likely.

Regular Readers of Sunday Ad Inserts Tend to be Older

However, as with all coupon users, regular readers of Sunday ad inserts are more likely to be older. According to the report, Sunday ad inserts are particularly appealing to those consumers earning $50,000 or more, with no children, and 45 years or older, 35.9% are regular readers of Sunday ad inserts.  Among those consumers 50 years or older with a household income or more than $50,000 or more, 36.4% are regular readers of the Sunday ad inserts.

About:  International Demographic's The Media Audit is a multimedia survey conducted for the purpose of developing statistically reliable information about the audience levels and audience characteristics of radio stations, local TV news programs, cable TV viewing, daily newspapers, weekly and monthly publications, the internet, local media websites and outdoor media. The Media Audit also collects socioeconomic information, product buying plans and purchasing activity for numerous products and services, retail stores and financial institutions that can be used to define the quality of individual media audiences.

Source:  The Media Audit FYI newsletter, Trends in Daily Newspapers: Coupons #2 Most Read Section of Newspaper, December 2011.