Traditional Media Still Most Trusted Sources of Info and News
Consumer Attitudes
July 11, 2012 -- Research from Triton Digital, a digital service provider for online and traditional radio, and as reported by eMarketer, finds consumer trust in traditional media is much higher than digital media.
The study, examining the attitudes of over 24,000 consumers, finds that the most-trusted medium for news and information is television (45%), followed by newspapers (20%) and then radio (18%). Only one in eight (12.5%) respondents selected online news sources as most trusted.

Source: eMarketer
When it comes to advertising influence, even though it falls outside the “most-trusted” territory, respondents were more likely to turn to the internet for product research and recommendations on brands to buy, with 61.1% saying it was the top source that influenced their brand-buying decision.
Traditional media lagged behind online in the realm of influence, yet still remained significant--for example, over 28% of respondents noted TV commercials as holding the most influence. Examining traditional media as a whole -- TV, radio, and newspapers combined influenced 64% of consumers to buy a product or service after seeing it advertised.
Source: eMarketer
About: Survey of 24,041 U.S. respondents ( 14,248 female, 9,752 male) via Triton Digital’s Immediate Insights research platform. Margin of error: +/- .4%
Sources: eMarketer, Traditional Media Still Most Trusted Sources of Info, July 11, 2012 and Triton, Media Influence Insights study, accessed July 11, 2012.