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Top Reasons Social Media Users Drop Companies and Brands

Social Media

December 10, 2012 -- One in 3 social media users (32%) have stopped following or “un-liked” a company or brand on a social network (and another 18% have never followed or "liked" a brand), finds Performics in December 2012 survey results.

The most annoying turn-offs for these consumers are irrelevant posts (49%), too many posts (38%), and a lack of expected or promised content (35%).

Why have you stopped or "un-liked" a company or a brand?
(Check all that apply)
 Their posts are not relevant to me 49%
 They post too often 38%
 They didn't provide the content I was expecting or promised 35%
 They don't provide coupons, discounts or specials 30%
 They have different opinions/values than I do 22%
 I follow too many brands as it is 18%

 Source: Performics Life On Demand 2012 Wave 2, December 2012


About: Performics Life on Demand 2012 Wave 2, conducted by ROI Research. Online survey of 1,986 social media users (split evenly male/female.) representing a balanced range of ages and economic statuses. Sampling error of +/- 2.2% at a 95 percent confidence level.

Source: Performics Life on Demand 2012 Wave 2, accessed December 19, 2012.