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Personalized Marketing Messages Pay Off for Retailers

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March 5, 2013 -- Personalized cross-channel marketing -- fashioning "offers and promotions to consumers across multiple touch points based on their past shopping or browsing experiences" -- seems to increase buyer readiness, engagement, and sales activity, according to the study, Engage Consumers & Increase Buyer Readiness Through Customer-Centric Marketing, by customer-centric marketing provider MyBuys and the e-tailing group, an ecommerce merchandising firm.

Key findings from the study of more than 1,100 online shoppers:











About: The study was conducted in December 2012 with 1,108 U.S. consumers completing the online survey. The gender sampling was nearly split (48% female/52% male). Participants had shopped online at least 4 times per year, spent $250 or more online annually and 95% owned a smartphone. Income breakdown:  25%< $50,000, 43% earn $50,000-100,000K, 29%>$100,000.

Source: MyBuy/the e-tailing group, Engage Consumers & Increase Buyer Readiness Through Customer-Centric Marketing, accessed March 8, 2013.