Why Commercial Printing Is Experiencing Convergence, Not Just Diversification

Digital printing technologies have been taking the commercial print industry by storm in recent years. New digital technologies have become more cost-effective, allowing commercial printers to enter a new market with toner-based and inkjet technology. According to Print Impressions, the playing field has been evened out, allowing digital print to become just as common as traditional print technology.
Commercial printers are beginning to converge into the digital market in order to offer more services to their clients. These companies have done this before with wide-format printing, packaging, and other new markets over the years. This convergence has given a platform for a new trade show called PRINTING United, led by SGIA and NAPCO Media LLC. The objective of this event is to bring all different sides of the industry to educate each other and showcase new innovations. The event is being held in Dallas, TX from October 23rd - 25th, 2019.
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