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The Medium as a Contextual Cue

By Micael Dahlen



"The medium is the message.”   It is compelling contextual cues that influence consumers’ perceptions of the advertising message.

Source:  Journal of Advertising, Fall 2005, 34(3), pgs.89-98.

Type of Promotional Material/Activity Tested: The impact of the advertising medium (newspaper and new media) on the message.

Sample Population: 589 students at two large colleges

Methodology: Questionnaire using multi-point semantic differential scale to assess whether ads for specific products are impacted by the advertising medium.


Dependent variables: 

Independent variables:

Top Line Results:


Take-Away: This study bears out the adage that "the medium is the message." It is compelling contextual cues that influence consumers' perceptions of the advertising message.

Complexity rating of original source: 2
(Complex statistical analysis scale:  1= none, 2= moderate, 3 = difficult)

Source:  The Medium as a Contextual Clue, Micael Dahlén, Journal of Advertising, Fall 2005, 34(3), pgs.89-98.