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DMNews/Pitney Bowes Direct Mail Survey

By DMNews Survey on Direct Mail conducted by Pitney Bowes

Direct Mail

"The DMNews/Pitney Bowes survey finds that targeted direct mail remains a key channel in reaching consumers and influencing their purchase decisions."

Date:  2008

Type of Promotional Material/Activity Tested:  Consumer attitudes and behaviors towards mailed promotional material.

Sample Population:  More than 1,000 U.S. consumers, age 18 and up, from 10 major metropolitan areas — Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Hous­ton, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Phoenix and Seattle. Respondents were equally divided between male and female, and were screened to at least “some­times” be personally involved in reviewing their mail.

Methodology: Online survey conducted in September 2008.

Top-Line Results:



Take Away:  The 2008 DMNews/Pitney Bowes survey shows that targeted direct mail remains a key channel in reaching consumers and influencing their purchase decisions.  “Direct mail induces consumers to touch the offer — recipients of mail are receiving, sorting, read­ing, and using direct mail to make purchasing decisions.”

Complexity rating: 1 out of 3 (Complex statistical analysis scale: 1= none, 2= moderate, 3 = difficult)

Source: 2008 DMNews/Pitney Bowes Direct Mail Survey.